How We Can Help

Imagining your retirement may feel exciting for many people, particularly if they have a lot of plans for it. Retirement can be a time to travel, to take on new projects, and to spend more time with loved ones. For many, retirement is a chance to enter a different profession that they’ve always wanted to be a part of and experience.

Whether you picture yourself pouring wine in a gorgeous vineyard in Southern France or taking care of your grandchildren during the summer, retirement income planning can be the best way to help you achieve all your dreams and more.

Retirement Income Planning in Wisconsin

John Hammel at Hammel & Company can tell you more about how to plan your retirement income, so you have everything you need to cover your expenses. This means having enough for your daily living necessities, of course, but also having extra to pay for unexpected emergencies. If you’re confused by the word “income,” though, you’re not alone. Many people wonder how they’re going to generate income now that they’re no longer working.

This is where a financial advisor can do the math for you. No matter how much you’ve saved up right now, there are ways to bring more money in every single month, much like you’re doing right now with a steady paycheck. Social Security benefits, property rental income, pension payments, retirement accounts, your savings: these are all just a few examples of how you can cobble income together from different sources to pay for it all.

How much do I need to retire?

By the time you reach retirement age, you won’t know exactly how the world is going to look. However the economy is performing and whatever prices look like when you finally hang up your hat at work, the answer isn’t as straightforward as having a million dollars saved up. Let Hammel work out how to keep your portfolio from crumbling under the weight of the future. He’s there to help you put the pieces in order, so you have everything you need (and more)!